I feel like a bad blogger.  I have abandoned my poor sweet FASHION blog and haven't posted any new outfits or vintage fashion finds in a very long time. Shame on me!! I finally have some photos of my vintage finds to share so here it goes!....

On my way home from date night on Thursday, I saw a sign at a local church for a rummage sale on Saturday morning so I met Amanda at the church at 8am. It was pretty rainy and yucky but I really wanted to wear this amazing 1940's dress. I found it at that crazy warehouse when Emily from Livin' Vintage was in town. It was wadded up and all wrinkled, very dusty and in need of some lovin. I'm a sucker for grey and it was my size and era so I couldn't let go of it. I love the little fabric covered buttons and burgundy detail at the shoulder. The collar is gorgeous...it's all gorgeous!!

So, here I am, ready to get on the road to the rummage sale!
We didn't find much at the sale. I did pick up a few great items for our etsy store and Pj found a new coffee pot because I accidentally broke our old one a few weeks ago! *sorry, honey!* I nabbed a few blouses for myself too. As I mentioned before, I'm terrible with vintage style blouses, so I get really excited when I find good ones!
After the sale, it was still early so we went to a new Goodwill that opened a few weeks ago to scope out the goods and our usual favorite vintage spot, the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Shoes were 99 cents (I know, I squealed too) so I got this fab pair while I was there.
At the goodwill, Amanda and I got into a brawl in the middle of the store over who got to buy this silver mini skirt.

Wow, that skirt is smokin' hot with this blazer, don't you think?!! (LOL) You can always count on Goodwill for a few laughs!

Pj has been shaving with a straight razor for a few weeks and since he was such a good sport all day, we went to the antique mall to see if we could find a new one for him (and we did!!). I couldn't leave without this hat that Amanda found, this bakelite button (soon-to-be brooch), 2 vintage patterns and these little screw back earrings. I didn't know until I got home, but these little earrings that I'm wearing are bakelite too...and the best part is, I got them for $2! That just goes to show you, DO rub and smell everything because you never know, even if it's a cheapy, it could be the real deal!

Today, Amanda and I worked on neglected sewing projects. She got some gorgeous barkcloth curtains at an estate sale so she made a really amazing 50's circle skirt with it. she bought 4 curtains and was kind enough to leave the ones she didn't use for me to make something out of them too! (Thanks, doll!) The only catch was, I have to call her when I wear it so we don't end up matching! *lol* The barkcloth was used for the background on my bakelite button pictured above. I cut out fabric for 2 dresses and finished up the details on a 3rd. This is one of the dresses that I'm working on today. The fabric matches the drawing on the pattern perfectly! I LOVE it!!

outfit details above:
1940's grey dress- warehouse sale
vintage sheer and black scarf-estate sale
vintage lucite handle purse- antique mall
Olivia's red vintage suitcase- antique mall
shoes- payless
vintage umbrella- antique mall
vintage red swallow brooch- F.I.S.H. thrift store