I saw this done on Campfire Chic a few days ago and thought it was a great idea!

I love to find new blogs to read and I'm sure that you do too. Enjoy free blog advertising and submit the link to your blog in the box below!  Please leave a comment telling us what your blog is about.

Next Saturday, I will randomly select one blog from this list to feature on Va-Voom Vintage. You don't have to have a "vintage" blog to enter.  Be sure to follow Va-Voom Vintage so you know if your blog has been chosen for a feature. Thanks for participating! :)

 *please do not submit your link more than once, but do feel free to enter multiple blogs if you have them!*

Show us your blog by adding the URL below

1. thosewereverygoodyrs.blogspot.com/Those Were Very Good Years  
2. www.midnightmaniac.comMidnight Maniac  
3. star-spangledheart.blogspot.com/The Girl with the Star-spangled Heart  
4. vintageinamodernworld.blogspot.com/Vintage in a Modern World  
5. www.dialvforvintage.blogspot.com/Dial V for Vintage  
6. zelilgirli1ncenu.blogspot.com/Daniele Tort  
7. artdecogirls.blogspot.comThe World According to Art Deco Girl  
8. inthehammockvintage.blogspot.com/In the Hammock Vintage  
9. www.emmaaime.blogspot.comEmma aime  
10. quaintrellelife.blogspot.com/Quaintrelle Life  
11. www.pennydreadfulvintage.blogspot.com/Penny Dreadful Vintage  
12. beechwood45789.blogspot.comBeechwood 4-5789  
13. oldatheart50s.blogspot.com/Old at Heart  
14. roadtovintage.blogspot.comRoad to Vintage  
15. littlemissthrifty.tumblr.comLittle Miss Thrifty  
16. welsh-pixie.blogspot.comToria  
17. havinsomerockinfun.blogspot.com/The Kim Show  
18. cassandravoom.blogspot.comCassandra Voom  
19. wwwmbbaby2.blogspot.com/MAYBE BABY  
20. bramblewoodfashion.blogspot.com/Bramblewood Fashion  
21. musings-of-a-vintage-girl.blogspot.com/Musings of a Vintage Girl: Old Hollywood Movie Reviews  
22. girlsguidetohomelife.blogspot.com/A Girls Guide to Home Life  
23. tartdeco.blogspot.comTart Deco Vintage Glamour & Retro Living  
24. landgirl1980.blogspot.com/Land Girl 1980  
25. lizzyinlovewithvintage.blogspot.com/Enamorada de la Moda Vintage  
26. betty2tone.blogspot.com/Betty2Tone's Vintage Adventures  
27. lorettajanevintage.blogspot.comLoretta Jane  
28. susansdiaryvintagestylemeets.blogspot.com/Susan  
29. ladycherryloves.blogspot.com/Lady Cherry!  
30. katysuepillsbury.blogspot.com/Not All Who Wander Are Lost  
31. vintagespinster.blogspot.com/monogirl  
32. originalmischief.blogspot.comOriginal Mischief (Monique)  
33. www.lexymademyday.blogspot.com/Lexy  
34. hoppingstars.blogspot.com/Hopping Stars  
35. collidinguniverse.blogspot.com/Welcome to My Colliding Universe  
36. www.megsvanitychest.blogspot.comMeg's Vanity Chest!  
37. www.processionalprofessional.blogspot.comThe Processional Professional  
38. rosinalee.blogspot.com/Rosina Lee  
39. pdx-princess.blogspot.com/PDX Princess  
40. andthentheystartsprkling.blogspot.com/Frl. Irene Palfy  
41. www.sweetbutterbliss.blogspot.comSweetbutterbliss  
42. vintageamethyst.blogspot.com/Vintage Amethyst  
43. jadeboylan.blogspot.com/JADE  
44. Re-Vintaged.blogspot.comIrene  
45. thebarnothing.blogspot.com/Miss Emmi  
46. eclecticephemera.blogspot.com/Bruce Partington-Plans  
47. sirenssexy.blogspot.com/Sirens Sexy  
48. seadoll.blogspot.com/I've got an island  
49. theramblingsof-misszeppelin.blogspot.com/Ramble On  
50. labotedepandoras.blogspot.com/La Boíte de Pandoras  
51. taxonomyofmywardrobe.blogspot.com/Veshoevius  
52. aerogramming.blogspot.com/Aerograms from Jan  
53. redlipsandcorsets.blogspot.com/Red Lips and Corsets  
54. doradadama.blogspot.com/La Dama  
55. www.welliusedtobealady.blogspot.comClaire  
56. deerlittlefawn.blogspot.com/Deer Little Fawn  
57. beebeesvintagedress.blogspot.com/Stevie  
58. toft-toft.blogspot.com/Toft\'s Tanker  
59. craftywatts.blogspot.com/She\'s Crafty  
60. diaryofavintagemodiste.blogspot.com/Diary of a Vintage Modiste  
61. historycornbreadlove.blogspot.com/History - Cornbread - Love  
62. sewingadicta.blogspot.comRosy  
63. missmagpiemusings.blogspot.com/Miss Magpies Musings  
64. everydaypinupgirl.blogspot.com/Miss Dixie Rising  
65. practiceintime.blogspot.com/Practice in Time  
66. peachykeen-cassie.blogspot.comPeachy Keen  
67. kalandrajane.blogspot.comKalandra Jane - Millinery and Musings!  
68. depictthis.blogspot.com/Depict This!  
69. www.stylebizarre.comStylebizarre  
70. missyvintageblog.blogspot.comMissy Vintage  
71. www.gingermuntz.com/Ginger Muntz - Fashion Illustration  
72. www.beautifuldreamers.net/The Lady\'s Letters and Writings  
73. dearsweetagatha.blogspot.com Sweet Agatha  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)