It has been so long since my last post. I've spent this past weekend with a nasty cold and taking care of Pj and Olivia, who also have nasty colds!  We were all feeling quite pathetic so we'd pile into our tiny bathroom, full of steam from the tub running and breathe in the wet, hot air. We stayed in our pajamas most of the time and napped frequently. We were hit with a shocking (and annoying) snow storm on Saturday morning that left my home town about 3 inches deep in wet slush. YUCK! Fortunately, the sun came out and melted all of it yesterday so I hope to get some outfit pics later this afternoon.

Yesterday, while Pj and Olivia napped, I curled up in front of the computer with a big glass of O.J. to look at pretty vintage things, which always makes me feel better.

Call them Pinnies, Pinafores, Jumpers or whatever, I love them! I've been searching for the perfect pinafore or pinny pattern for a long time and I have finally found it on etsy from auntnonniesnest 

Pinafores are the most perfect, versatile garment for a vintage wardrobe. You can wear them with matching blouses for a complete dress look, wear them all alone for summer days or mix it up with contrasting blouses, cardigans and accessories. They're lovely in cottons and wools alike. I cannot wait to make a few of these this year!

 Oh and a baby update: Everything is going great on the baby front! He'll be full term next week so if he can just hang on a little longer, we'll be in business! I start my weekly doctor's visits today, which always seems to put my antsy mind at ease. I have his cradle and crib all ready for his sleepy little head and all of his clothes are pre-washed and put away in his drawers. Our bags are in the trunk of the car and we're ready to roll! I do love pregnancy but I am SO ready for this to be over!