I've been thinking about bangs since December but being a round-faced girl, I was hesitant. A lot of people and beauty books say that girls with round faces should not do bangs because it accentuates the roundness in a bad way. I've done faux bangs a lot in the past and I really liked them and I see so many adorable girls with bangs and love the look. I had bangs as a kid and they remind me of being carefree, digging under rocks looking for bugs and watching cartoons while I eat my cereal.

Brittany with new bags, making a silly face in pink vintage bed jacket

So, I went for it on Monday night. Into the bathroom with some scissors and a comb and a few minutes later I did it! The next morning, I combed and whacked at it a little more to even it out.

It's a big change for me. I haven't had bangs since I was in 5th grade, I think. I'm still not sure if it's a good look for me or not and I can't judge by Pj's expression either.

 So girls- I know I can count on you. What do you think? Keep em or grow it out?

On a side note: Hello, to my very first dslr camera! I am loving this thing to pieces. I bought it a few weeks ago and have been spending my days reading my manual and online tutorials to figure it out. I have wanted one for years and am so pleased that I finally did it. I love photos that look like you could reach out and touch them. Mine is a Canon Rebel EOS T3 and it rocks!!