1950s 1960s plus size retro casual pants and cardigan

1950s 1960s plus size retro casual pants and cardigan

It's the first day of spring and I thought it would be a great day to get back to blogging (finally) after a long break. I've spent the past several weeks sewing new clothes, fixing old ones and working on some small vintage wardrobe changes. I can't wait to share some of my new found and newly made things here with you!

Rhys and Olivia are on spring break this week and although my weather app called for rain, we had a warm sunny day. I picked up some spring break essentials over the weekend including a pack of bubbles to keep them occupied. As it turns out, great entertainment for me as well.

This morning, we walked to the park and Rhys tried to bring home a stick the size of a small tree. I'm a mean mom and I made him leave it in the forest but I promised home made popsicles when we returned home. After lunch, I set their tee pee up in the back yard so I could get a few moments of quiet time while they played.

We all went out to play after my chores were done and blew bubbles on the porch and I got some great funny Rhys faces.  This spring and summer, I hope to get a lot of wonderful photos of them playing to frame and hang in the living room.

This outfit is part of my new wardrobe collection. The pants are thrifted, modern pants but I thought they had a great late 50s, early 60s feel about them. I took the leg in a bit and added a split seam at the ankle. The sweater reminded me of this beautiful 1950s cardigan pattern from Subversive Femme

1950s double breasted cardigan knitting pattern from Subversive Femme etsy

black vintage style lace up point toe flats

Sweater: thrifted, Talbots- knit one just like it
shoes-ebay, similar here
gold link bracelet- vintage

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