've been such a slacker! Due to late night insanity with my baby, I've been too tired to be inspired, so to go with the theme of the week, I give you the 3:00 am blouse, which was sewn at 3am because I couldn't get back to sleep

After many diaper changes, feeding her, trying some tylenol since she's cutting teeth, etc. she still wouldn't calm down. So I got up to give Pj a hand. After about an hour, we got her to fall back asleep in front of the dishwasher in her swing (works almost every time!). Of course, by then, we were both wide awake, so I popped in Pulp Fiction and we curled up on the couch so we could keep an eye on the snorning stinker in the kitchen. He fell asleep soon after and I stayed up till about 5:00AM sewing this blouse and a matching skirt and craving a "Royale with cheese". The skirt still isn't done yet but I figured I'd post pics of my early morning adventures! It's funny, some of my best sewing is done late at night, or early in the morning in this case. Needless to say, once I finally did get back to sleep, I pretty much slept the day away!