For those of you who entered my giveaway and wondered "How'd she do that?" I'll share with you my secrets for refilling a vintage lipstick tube so you can do it too! You'll be surprised at how incredibly easy it is!

1.) Find a vintage lipstick tube. I have found them at antique shops, on ebay and etsy and auctions. You should be able to find one for between $5-$10.

2.) Take the container apart completely and soak in soapy hot water. Use q-tips, small tooth brushes or baby bottle brushes to thoroughly clean the tube inside and out. Make sure to remove any remaining lipstick and scrub off any grit on the inside of the tube. It is very important that each part is thoroughly cleaned because this case will be holding a lipstick that you will probably wear every day. Tubes that aren't cleaned and sanitized can be a breeding ground for bacteria, so be sure to clean each individual part very well.

3.) Rinse the pieces in rubbing alcohol, then rinse with warm water to sanitize. Reassemble the vintage tube and turn the bottom so the base is all the way at the top of the container.

how to refill a vintage lipstick tube

4.) Find a lipstick that fits the tube. As long as it's a normal size tube, most modern lipsticks should fit. I tend to experiment first with a less expensive lipstick to get a good idea of how big the base should be.

5.) Here's the big trick...put the new lipstick in the freezer right next to your blueberries and veggie burgers for 2-3 hours.

6.)After lipstick is frozen, turn the base so the lipstick is all the way out of the tube. Using a piece of waxed paper, gently pull the lipstick from its base, wiggling it back and forth a bit until it comes out.

how to refill a vintage lipstick tube

7.)Insert it into the base of the vintage container, putting a slight amount of pressure on the lipstick to push it onto the base. If the lipstick needs to be adjusted, continue to use the waxed paper so fingerprints aren't left on the lipstick.

how to refill a vintage lipstick tube

That's all there is to it, my lovelies! Have fun and ask any questions in the comments box below!