Look at my Booty
Get your minds out of the gutter, not that booty! I'm talking about my treasures from our trip to Springfield last weekend! This isn't everything but some of those clothes are so fabulous,...
Vintage Tour of Missouri- Springfield
all of mine and Amanda's train cases and Olivia's suit case full of toys I've taken a few days to recover from the weekend trip and am ready for my recap! I shopped so much, I don't even...
Photo Shoot: Village Girl with Phantom Photo Part 2
This is the second set of pics from my shoot with Phantom Photo last Tuesday in Faust Park. These are some of my favorites. Some of you requested a tutorial for this hairstyle so I'll be...
Photo Shoot: Village Girl with Phantom Photo Part 1
I'm home from our adventures in Springfield but am totally exhausted. I'm spending this week recouperating from the trip and getting ready for Olivia's birthday party on Saturday. Before...
Springfield Or Bust!
Tomorrow, we're leaving for another Vintage Tour of Missouri Adventure in Springfield, MO! By we, I mean myself, Pj, Rhys, Olivia, Amanda and her guy, Bryan. We borrowed my mother-in-law's...