You may have noticed that I've made some design changes to my blog. I've been blogging for almost two years and thought I'd celebrate my blog's two year birthday with a makeover!
 I'm still working on things so please bear with me while I tinker. I'm not at all techno savvy so this is all trial and error. I'll be adding some new pretty buttons, organizing things and using bigger pics from now on.

 In addition to the new color scheme and pretty things, I've added a facebook page, twitter and new email for my blog, all of which you can find on my side bar and below.

  new email
  Va-Voom Vintage on Facebook
  Va-Voom Vintage on Twitter

Also, if any of you lovelies have any suggestions, requests, constructive criticism or anything else, please do let me know! I'll be making a lot of blog changes in the coming year and I'd like to have lots of feedback as my blog evolves. My biggest joy in blogging comes from my readers.

 What would you like to see more of?  What are you tired of reading about?
Please drop a comment or email and let me know your thoughts. Thank you, darlings!!