I recently fell in love with this simple, 1940's braided hairstyle using a vintage scarf. It's such a fun look and can be dressed up for fancy evenings as well. This style works on hair that is long enough to braid into pigtails. Mine is barely making the cut at shoulder length.
For a long hair variation- use a long length of ribbon and wrap the braids all the way around your head for a fancy crown of braids.

1. part your hair down the middle
2. using a long scarf or length of ribbon, place the center of the scarf at the top of your head and fasten with a barrette
1940s braided scarf hair tutorial retro summer hairstyle via Va-Voom Vintage

3. using a tail comb, part your hair down the center back and tie one section out of the way

4. Separate this section into 3 parts, including the scarf in one of the parts
5. Braid this section to the bottom, braiding the scarf in with the hair. When you reach the bottom of your hair, tie it off with a hair elastic
1940s braided scarf hair tutorial retro summer hairstyle via Va-Voom Vintage

6. repeat on the other side

7. take the two pigtails and tie then together. Tie the ribbon into a perky bow and pin any excess hair braid to the sides, tucking the ends in so they're neat.

8. remove the barrette at the top of your head and that's all there is to it.

 If you're doing this style for a party, use a beaded ribbon or silk scarf and add a sparkly brooch to the top or flowers at the back of your neck.