On Tuesday night, we met my parents for a family movie night. Olivia has only ever been to the movie theater once before and she loved it. This time, we took her to see Brave. Rhys is still a squirmy little dude so my mother in law watched him for the evening.

Olivia is the "Poo-bah". It's a nickname that started when she was a tiny baby and to this day if you ask her what her name is, she will say "Poobah!" We only recently got her to say her real name. I swear, I think she is going to write "Poobah Sherman" on all of her homework assignments when she starts school.

Brave was such a cute movie and Olivia really liked it too. She was so good throughout the film and although she had a blast while we were there, she cried her eyes out on the way home because she missed her little brother. What a sweetheart! Speaking of Rhys, I think the 3 little brothers in the movie look and act just like my little wild man!

 I wore my sweetheart overalls, which I haven't pulled out in ages. I kind of screwed up the button holes on one side and put off fixing them until now. I drafted the pattern myself but it's very similar to the Decades of Style pattern (which goes up to a 46 bust!). Mine are blue denim with red bakelite buttons. I also wore my newly repaired bakelite cherry brooch and gingham peasant blouse that I thrifted while Bunny was in town. After wearing these overalls again, I desperately want to make a few more pairs. They are so comfortable, casual and cute! I think I will make at least two more pairs for this winter.

Overalls-handmade by me
gingham blouse-thrifted, salvation army
bakelite cherry brooch-Christmas gift from Pj
Red 40's repro wedges-Aris Allen