Shortly before Christmas, I misplaced the charger for my camera battery and have been rummaging through the house every since, trying to find it so I can blog again! Last night while at work, Pj messaged me to tell me that he finally found it under my dress rack in the etsy studio! Horray for Pj!

 Anyway, I wanted to show you a few beautiful little vintage gifts that were given to me for Christmas.

 The 1930's Evans silver mesh makeup compact is such a treat! It has a compartment for loose powder and a very thin metal mirror lifts to reveal a rouge. This compact belonged to a relative of Pj's a long time ago. It perfectly matches my 40's silver mesh Whiting and Davis handbag.

The second is from the same relative- a very very old perfume vial with a sterling silver filigree lid.The remnants of this old perfume still smell sweet and pleasant and it looks beautiful on my vanity.

His grandma was recently going through some old things when she found these two and thought I would like them. I am so honored that she passed them on to me.

The third is a Christmas gift from Daffny. I was getting ready to go to my mom's house the Saturday morning before Christmas when I found a package in the mail box, addressed to me. I wasn't expecting any packages so I was so surprised to open it and find this beautiful 1940's clog brooch. I am madly in love with vintage plastics and novelty brooches. This brooch is one of my new favorites!