vintage living
I hope that everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving was always my mom's turkey taquitos that she made with left-overs.
Today I thought it would be fun to share some 1950s recipes for Turkey left-overs from 1958.
The 1950s Kitchen: 4 Vintage Turkey Leftover Recipes
I hope that everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving was always my mom's turkey taquitos that she made with left-overs.
Today I thought it would be fun to share some 1950s recipes for Turkey left-overs from 1958.
Turkey Turnovers
Turkey Souffle
Hot Turkey Salad
building a vintage wardrobe
vintage for beginners
Want to get the vintage look? Research your era
When people ask me where to begin with wearing vintage, I always tell them to research everything! Read, watch movies, look at magazines and blogs. Just devour as much information on the topic as you can. From there, you can see what they really wore back then and how you can develop your own personal style with inspirations from that era.
One of the internet's best sources for vintage fashion research all in one place is Vintage Dancer. This blog, written by a fellow vintage loving mom, really breaks it all down for newbies and long-time vintage enthusiasts.
1. 1950s shoes guide For the 50s girl- some classic shoe styles from the post-war era
4.1950s petticoat history once you find the perfect 1950s skirt, you may need a petticoat to get the 1950s silhouette. This article covers petticoats, hoops and memories from women that wore petticoats in the 50s.
One of the internet's best sources for vintage fashion research all in one place is Vintage Dancer. This blog, written by a fellow vintage loving mom, really breaks it all down for newbies and long-time vintage enthusiasts.
Here's a lovely round-up of some of the newest must-reads from Vintage Dancer
1. What Did Women Wear in the 1940's a great beginner's guide to get you started in building a 1940s wardrobe or outfit
the look isn't complete without the shoes. This 1940s shoe guide covers styles popular back then so you know what to look for when you shop for shoes.
3. The Shirtwaist Dress: The Ultimate 1940s Day Dress for a look that's classic, comfortable and practical, read this article and shopping guide for my favorite wardrobe staple
2. 1950s dress styles Here, read about dress styles of the 1950s to help in your vintage shopping and searches. This article discusses dress styles, colors, fabrics and where to shop for modern 1950s style dresses
3. 1950s skirt history one of the main highlights of 1950s fashion was the voluminous skirt. After the war, women had more money for fabric in home sewing and fabric use restrictions were lifted. Learn about all of the popular skirt styles of the 1950s.
4.1950s petticoat history once you find the perfect 1950s skirt, you may need a petticoat to get the 1950s silhouette. This article covers petticoats, hoops and memories from women that wore petticoats in the 50s.
Vintage Dancer is a sponsor of Va-Voom Vintage
vintage for beginners
Today I want to talk about how to identify and collect Lucite. I've been a collector of Bakelite for a few years and I love my beautiful collection dearly but I don't think I'd wear it at all if it weren't affordable in my neck of the woods.
Although sellers want us to think that Bakelite is so rare and amazing, it really isn't rare at all. Go to a vintage show, scroll through Ebay, look at the collections of hundreds, thousands of bangles and tell me it's rare. It's everywhere and there's a lot of it! The price of Bakelite is like the price of diamonds. It goes up because the desire goes up.
The Lucite Secret
I think that the best kept vintage secret out there is Lucite. But wait, that bangle is Bakelite...isn't it?
I recently bought a lot of 6 Lucite bangles on ebay and even my skilled eye wondered if they could be Bakelite, especially the carved one but no! They're Lucite- 6 for $30.
With Lucite, you can get the look of colorful, unique Bakelite bangles for much less. Lucite comes in all colors, shapes, sizes and some are even embedded with shells, glitter and confetti.
Some other desirable Lucite pieces are called "Moonglow" because they look like they're glowing, like these earrings:
The price of Lucite clamper bracelets like this one are quickly rising due to demand created by lusty vintage girls. Honestly, mine drives me crazy because it pinches (and I have small wrists!) and I've had to have Pj fix the spring dozens of times after it breaks. It's very pretty so I save it for special occasions only.
Here's an example of solid Lucite, which was frequently shaped and added to metal settings of earrings, bracelets, brooches and necklaces. Matching sets of Lucite are much loved in the vintage world.
Lucite doesn't patina like Bakelite so you never have to pay extra to have it polished to get the vibrant or translucent rainbow of colors. They're quite heavy and durable. Some are marbled just like Bakelite and some have a gorgeous iridescence like these bangles.
Any vintage loving girl can build an enviable collection of Lucite bangles and still pay her electric bill.
What is Lucite
Like Bakelite, Lucite is a thermoset plastic. Some people sell Lucite jewelry with kind of a moon glow sheen and call it "Thermoset", like these earrings:
In my early days of vintage I thought that thermoset was different from Lucite but it is actually the same thing. Thermoset simply means that you cannot melt it down and shape it into something else once it's set.
Lucite is an acrylic plastic that was popular in jewelry in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Most vintage Lucite bangles will not have seams. They are usually shinier than Bakelite and will not smell of formaldehyde when run under hot water and unless someone is sniffing your wrist, they'll never know it's not pricey Bakelite!
With holiday sales going crazy this weekend, keep an eye out for affordable Lucite treats for yourself.
Also read:
How to Identify Bakelite
For more vintage Lucite, check my Pinterest board, Lucite Dreams
Do you collect Lucite? If so, please post a link to your lovely collection in the comments below!
All About Lucite: Collecting, Wearing and Loving this Vintage Plastic
Today I want to talk about how to identify and collect Lucite. I've been a collector of Bakelite for a few years and I love my beautiful collection dearly but I don't think I'd wear it at all if it weren't affordable in my neck of the woods.
Although sellers want us to think that Bakelite is so rare and amazing, it really isn't rare at all. Go to a vintage show, scroll through Ebay, look at the collections of hundreds, thousands of bangles and tell me it's rare. It's everywhere and there's a lot of it! The price of Bakelite is like the price of diamonds. It goes up because the desire goes up.
The Lucite Secret
I think that the best kept vintage secret out there is Lucite. But wait, that bangle is Bakelite...isn't it?
I recently bought a lot of 6 Lucite bangles on ebay and even my skilled eye wondered if they could be Bakelite, especially the carved one but no! They're Lucite- 6 for $30.
some are swirled or translucent just like applejuice or rootbeer bakelite
some look like those very expensive dotted bakelite bracelets
With Lucite, you can get the look of colorful, unique Bakelite bangles for much less. Lucite comes in all colors, shapes, sizes and some are even embedded with shells, glitter and confetti.
Some other desirable Lucite pieces are called "Moonglow" because they look like they're glowing, like these earrings:
The price of Lucite clamper bracelets like this one are quickly rising due to demand created by lusty vintage girls. Honestly, mine drives me crazy because it pinches (and I have small wrists!) and I've had to have Pj fix the spring dozens of times after it breaks. It's very pretty so I save it for special occasions only.
Here's an example of solid Lucite, which was frequently shaped and added to metal settings of earrings, bracelets, brooches and necklaces. Matching sets of Lucite are much loved in the vintage world.
Lucite doesn't patina like Bakelite so you never have to pay extra to have it polished to get the vibrant or translucent rainbow of colors. They're quite heavy and durable. Some are marbled just like Bakelite and some have a gorgeous iridescence like these bangles.
Any vintage loving girl can build an enviable collection of Lucite bangles and still pay her electric bill.
What is Lucite
Like Bakelite, Lucite is a thermoset plastic. Some people sell Lucite jewelry with kind of a moon glow sheen and call it "Thermoset", like these earrings:
In my early days of vintage I thought that thermoset was different from Lucite but it is actually the same thing. Thermoset simply means that you cannot melt it down and shape it into something else once it's set.
Lucite is an acrylic plastic that was popular in jewelry in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Most vintage Lucite bangles will not have seams. They are usually shinier than Bakelite and will not smell of formaldehyde when run under hot water and unless someone is sniffing your wrist, they'll never know it's not pricey Bakelite!
With holiday sales going crazy this weekend, keep an eye out for affordable Lucite treats for yourself.
Also read:
How to Identify Bakelite
For more vintage Lucite, check my Pinterest board, Lucite Dreams
Do you collect Lucite? If so, please post a link to your lovely collection in the comments below!

This winter will bring a lot of temporary changes in my life and on the blog.
For starters, I'm going back to work part time until the spring. Although I prefer to be home with my kids, I think it will be good to get out of the house a few evenings per week when it's too cold and crummy to do anything exciting. I always enjoyed my "day job", especially last winter when I needed a distraction from the dreaded winter blues. I generally blog during the early morning anyway so I don't think I'll be blogging any less and a change of scenery throughout the week will be much-appreciated.
Also, I finally bought a tripod and remote so I can take all of my own blog photos. Pj is a wonderful photographer and so patient with me but with the decent lighting being so poorly timed in the winter, I thought it would be a good plan to do my own during the daytime.These are my first outfit photos that I took with the tripod and remote system. It will take some practice but so far, I'm loving being able to take as many as I like and not drag poor Pj out into the cold.
While I'm not blogging, there will be a lot of crafts with the kids, catching up on housework, less time at home and a lot of other crazy holiday-related happenings going on. By spring, I think everything will be back to normal with the warm weather, fun things to do and return to stay at home mom status. I'm planning monthly trips to mom's house in the country this winter, which I'm really looking forward to!
I hope to still make a lot of time for all kinds of fun sewing projects this winter. I'm truly happy when I sew, and of course, knitting till my eyes can't focus anymore! I also have a second ecourse in the works (I need to finish my first!!) , which I hope to finish around February or March but we'll see how the new winter schedule works out. Like most of my projects, it may come later than expected!
Since I will have less time for my beloved DIY and tutorials posts, there will be a return to style inspiration and daily outfit posts, which I hope you enjoy as much as I do!
Changing with the Seasons
This winter will bring a lot of temporary changes in my life and on the blog.
For starters, I'm going back to work part time until the spring. Although I prefer to be home with my kids, I think it will be good to get out of the house a few evenings per week when it's too cold and crummy to do anything exciting. I always enjoyed my "day job", especially last winter when I needed a distraction from the dreaded winter blues. I generally blog during the early morning anyway so I don't think I'll be blogging any less and a change of scenery throughout the week will be much-appreciated.
Also, I finally bought a tripod and remote so I can take all of my own blog photos. Pj is a wonderful photographer and so patient with me but with the decent lighting being so poorly timed in the winter, I thought it would be a good plan to do my own during the daytime.These are my first outfit photos that I took with the tripod and remote system. It will take some practice but so far, I'm loving being able to take as many as I like and not drag poor Pj out into the cold.
While I'm not blogging, there will be a lot of crafts with the kids, catching up on housework, less time at home and a lot of other crazy holiday-related happenings going on. By spring, I think everything will be back to normal with the warm weather, fun things to do and return to stay at home mom status. I'm planning monthly trips to mom's house in the country this winter, which I'm really looking forward to!
I hope to still make a lot of time for all kinds of fun sewing projects this winter. I'm truly happy when I sew, and of course, knitting till my eyes can't focus anymore! I also have a second ecourse in the works (I need to finish my first!!) , which I hope to finish around February or March but we'll see how the new winter schedule works out. Like most of my projects, it may come later than expected!
Since I will have less time for my beloved DIY and tutorials posts, there will be a return to style inspiration and daily outfit posts, which I hope you enjoy as much as I do!
1950s blouse-estate sale
vintage pink cardigan- thrifted on Friday!
1960s brooch- hierloom from Great Grandma Alma
vintage grey wool skirt- antique mall
Clark's shoes-thrifted
angora beret- estate
free downloads
free patterns
knitting and crochet
Free Download {1941 Learn How Book}
I shared this freebie download on my monthly email newsletter earlier this month. It's a very popular booklet and widely available all over the place but just in case you don't already have a copy of your own, download it here for free! Sign up for the newsletter for monthly freebies, exclusive sales, coupons and vintage inspiration.
vintage for beginners
Mrs Depew Vintage is known for summery swimsuit, playsuit and lingerie patterns but don't overlook the vast collection of fall/winter selections! Va-Voom Vintage readers always save 15% off with code VAVOOM at the checkout
With fur or faux trimming, over-sized lapels and different lengths, sew the vintage coat of your dreams. When October hits, I practically live in a 1940s jacket like the one pictured bottom middle but a month later when the bitter winds start to cut through it, it's time for something longer and in wool. By February, St Louis is coated in ice and its so cold the air hurts to breathe so I step out with a fur collar to keep my cheeks warm.
Many of us vintage girls wear dresses year round. Here are a few exquisite 1930s frocks with long sleeves and longer skirts than most of our 40s and 50s looks. I especially adore the 1930s dress in red with the lovely capelet- so wintery but you could make it again in the spring in a beautiful linen with eyelet lace capelet
I believe that my separates get the most wear in the winter. Long sleeved blouses, knit sweaters, wool skirts and trousers are easy to pair together and accessorize. The bottoms are very basic and can be made in a variety of fabrics to suit your color palette and style but the blouses are really unique!
Enjoy snow-days in style with some 1930s pyjamas and robes. Wouldn't the robes be stunning in an extravagant jewel tone or wild chartreuse? When you have to brave the streets for milk, eggs and bread, don't forget a wooly vintage beret!
Vintage Winter Wardrobe Sewing Patterns from Mrs Depew Vintage
Mrs Depew Vintage is known for summery swimsuit, playsuit and lingerie patterns but don't overlook the vast collection of fall/winter selections! Va-Voom Vintage readers always save 15% off with code VAVOOM at the checkout
With fur or faux trimming, over-sized lapels and different lengths, sew the vintage coat of your dreams. When October hits, I practically live in a 1940s jacket like the one pictured bottom middle but a month later when the bitter winds start to cut through it, it's time for something longer and in wool. By February, St Louis is coated in ice and its so cold the air hurts to breathe so I step out with a fur collar to keep my cheeks warm.
Many of us vintage girls wear dresses year round. Here are a few exquisite 1930s frocks with long sleeves and longer skirts than most of our 40s and 50s looks. I especially adore the 1930s dress in red with the lovely capelet- so wintery but you could make it again in the spring in a beautiful linen with eyelet lace capelet
I believe that my separates get the most wear in the winter. Long sleeved blouses, knit sweaters, wool skirts and trousers are easy to pair together and accessorize. The bottoms are very basic and can be made in a variety of fabrics to suit your color palette and style but the blouses are really unique!
Enjoy snow-days in style with some 1930s pyjamas and robes. Wouldn't the robes be stunning in an extravagant jewel tone or wild chartreuse? When you have to brave the streets for milk, eggs and bread, don't forget a wooly vintage beret!
vintage living
One of my favorite things on a late Sunday morning is a spinach and artichoke souffle from Panera. Unfortunately, they don't always have them because they are so tasty and sell out quickly. Also, they're about $4 a piece so I decided to make my own.
This is not quite a traditional souffle but still very delicious! Begin with a simple bechamel sauce base. Pj is the sauce boss in my house so he whipped up the bechamel. Next, turn to medium-low heat and add your choice of cheese and fillings. We used asiago cheese, frozen spinach and chopped artichoke hearts. The sky is the limit here. Try ham, bacon, prosciutto, any kind of cheese or veggies.
Next, whisk in some scrambled eggs. We put 5 whole eggs in....because we had only 5 eggs!
Cook this on low until the mix gets a little bit thicker. If it's too runny, the dough won't cook very well. You don't have to cook the eggs completely since they will be baked. Just warm them enough to get a thicker filling.
Panera uses croissant dough but Aldi only had crescent roll dough so we used that this time around. I'm interested to try some puff pastry for a lighter crispy crust or make my own croissant dough. Lay the dough in your muffin tin, spoon in some filling- maybe 1/2 way full and fold the ends of the dough over the top.
Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until dough is golden and filling is nice and firm
sprinkle the top with cheese and enjoy!
Also, if you make too much filling, spoon it into a freezer bag and when you're ready for more next weekend, un-thaw, fill the dough and bake!
Spinach and Artichoke Brunch Souffles
One of my favorite things on a late Sunday morning is a spinach and artichoke souffle from Panera. Unfortunately, they don't always have them because they are so tasty and sell out quickly. Also, they're about $4 a piece so I decided to make my own.
This is not quite a traditional souffle but still very delicious! Begin with a simple bechamel sauce base. Pj is the sauce boss in my house so he whipped up the bechamel. Next, turn to medium-low heat and add your choice of cheese and fillings. We used asiago cheese, frozen spinach and chopped artichoke hearts. The sky is the limit here. Try ham, bacon, prosciutto, any kind of cheese or veggies.
Next, whisk in some scrambled eggs. We put 5 whole eggs in....because we had only 5 eggs!
Cook this on low until the mix gets a little bit thicker. If it's too runny, the dough won't cook very well. You don't have to cook the eggs completely since they will be baked. Just warm them enough to get a thicker filling.
Panera uses croissant dough but Aldi only had crescent roll dough so we used that this time around. I'm interested to try some puff pastry for a lighter crispy crust or make my own croissant dough. Lay the dough in your muffin tin, spoon in some filling- maybe 1/2 way full and fold the ends of the dough over the top.
Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until dough is golden and filling is nice and firm
sprinkle the top with cheese and enjoy!
Also, if you make too much filling, spoon it into a freezer bag and when you're ready for more next weekend, un-thaw, fill the dough and bake!
vintage hair
I fell asleep watching Mad Men on Netflix the other night and when I woke up, I had to try a beehive on my new short hair. I teased the hell out of it and used a lot of hair pins and spray but it worked! I think next time, I'll do a flip on the part that's left down.
I also wore one of my favorite jackets that I thrifted last winter. I love the piping and buttons on this jacket!
60s Style Short Hair Beehive
I fell asleep watching Mad Men on Netflix the other night and when I woke up, I had to try a beehive on my new short hair. I teased the hell out of it and used a lot of hair pins and spray but it worked! I think next time, I'll do a flip on the part that's left down.
I also wore one of my favorite jackets that I thrifted last winter. I love the piping and buttons on this jacket!
70s dress- estate sale
vintage navy jacket- thrifted
black t-straps- Amerimark
Hello November Sponsors (with coupons and sales for you!)
This month, I have a few fellow bloggers to introduce to you as well as giveaways, sales and coupons for your pre-holiday vintage shopping.
Dividing Vintage Moments
My dear friend, Joanna writes Dividing Vintage Moments.
I recently had the pleasure of designing her new blog look, which was
an absolute blast! To celebrate her pretty new look, Joanna is hosting a
huge, fantastic vintage giveaway
on Dividing Vintage Moments, including Bakelite, Lucite, vintage
magazines, designer accessories...and she's adding something else to the
This morning, she posted an amazing collection of vintage bloggers and their "vintage twins"! Joanna's personal style is always so immaculate and haute couture. Do pop over and say hello!
Lady Eve Millinery
Lady Eve Millinery returns this month with her exquisite hand made vintage inspired hats. She has a beautiful collection of 1920s-1940s styles in stock for the winter. I don't know about you but a cloche to keep my ears warm is a must! See Lady Eve Millinery's cloche collection
Livin' Vintage
Earlier this month, Emily and I collaborated to bring you the Etsy Shopper Survey and giveaway. In addition to blogging her retro looks and amazing vintage ephemera collection (see Free Pattern Friday), Emily runs Livin' Vintage Shop as her full time job! Soon, Emily will provide etsy sellers with informational articles on how to succeed with selling vintage on her blog. Right now, Emily is gearing up for the holidays with a big 25% off sale in her shop (includes sale items) beginning Thanksgiving Day to December 2nd but if you want the early bird deals, you have to check her blog in the coming weeks!

Curvy Elle
A new sponsor this month is the beautiful Laurel from The Curvy Elle. Laurel blogs her fashion inspiration as well as her own adorable personal style looks, diy projects and more. Check out The Curvy Elle Shop for one-of-a-kind vintage pieces in sizes 12-24+. Save 15% off at the Curvy Elle Shop for the month of November with code VAVOOM15 and check her blog on the 27th for her black Friday sale!

Additional Deals.....
15% off with cide VAVOOM from Mrs Depew Vintage
25% off at Big City Small Town Vintage November 24th-December 6th with code HAPPYTHANKS25
20% off your first order at Vintage World Rocks with code FLASH
Dividing Vintage Moments
This morning, she posted an amazing collection of vintage bloggers and their "vintage twins"! Joanna's personal style is always so immaculate and haute couture. Do pop over and say hello!
Lady Eve Millinery
Lady Eve Millinery returns this month with her exquisite hand made vintage inspired hats. She has a beautiful collection of 1920s-1940s styles in stock for the winter. I don't know about you but a cloche to keep my ears warm is a must! See Lady Eve Millinery's cloche collection
Livin' Vintage
Earlier this month, Emily and I collaborated to bring you the Etsy Shopper Survey and giveaway. In addition to blogging her retro looks and amazing vintage ephemera collection (see Free Pattern Friday), Emily runs Livin' Vintage Shop as her full time job! Soon, Emily will provide etsy sellers with informational articles on how to succeed with selling vintage on her blog. Right now, Emily is gearing up for the holidays with a big 25% off sale in her shop (includes sale items) beginning Thanksgiving Day to December 2nd but if you want the early bird deals, you have to check her blog in the coming weeks!

Curvy Elle
A new sponsor this month is the beautiful Laurel from The Curvy Elle. Laurel blogs her fashion inspiration as well as her own adorable personal style looks, diy projects and more. Check out The Curvy Elle Shop for one-of-a-kind vintage pieces in sizes 12-24+. Save 15% off at the Curvy Elle Shop for the month of November with code VAVOOM15 and check her blog on the 27th for her black Friday sale!

Additional Deals.....
15% off with cide VAVOOM from Mrs Depew Vintage
25% off at Big City Small Town Vintage November 24th-December 6th with code HAPPYTHANKS25
20% off your first order at Vintage World Rocks with code FLASH
We took the kids to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. We've been taking them for the past 2 years and its a much nicer experience than waiting in line for an eternity at the mall. They have a great set-up for kids with coloring and crafts, free photo with Santa and lots of fun things to see and play with. Santa was really awesome too.
My kids are terrified of Santa and strangers in general but he was great at breaking the ice and getting the kids interested in talking. It's just a dude in a red outfit but when you see how he talks to them and takes his time and he has such a twinkle in his eye, you feel the magic of St Nick.
I posted my Pendleton 49ers on Instagram yesterday as I was trying to decide which one to wear but of course, I went with the most festive option.
This 49er was an unbelievable find.
There was once a dream of a vintage shop here in St Louis called The Bale-Out where you could buy bags and bags of vintage for super cheap. See my adventures at The Bale Out in a previous post. Sadly, they closed last year and I didn't even get to go to the store closing sale. I was a heart broken. One day a few months ago, I was at a Salvation Army thrift store when I found this Pendleton jacket with tags from The Bale-Out for $12! I know, I told you they were cheap.
Well, the thrift store price was a buck. One whole crisp green dollar. This jacket had quite a bit of moth damage but hello- for a dollar?! Shoot, I would have happily paid $12. I brought it home, gave it some extra love with a needle and thread and its good as new! It still needs a matching button on one of the cuffs but I rolled the sleeves and you cant tell that it's missing one.

I also finally got a chance to take photos of my beautiful holiday hair clip from Belle Blossoms. Right now, she is having a sale on hair flowers. Save 20% off using code BLOSSOMS2013 and get a free gift with purchase of $50 or more now until November 23rd. I love this wintery clip so much, you'll probably see it a lot in the next few months!
I wore all of my chunky red and green bakelite to match my lovely Pendleton, including the 2 light green ones, which I scored a Goodwill recently for $2 each!
I think this will be my new autumn uniform.
Pendleton Surprise and Holiday Bakelite
We took the kids to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. We've been taking them for the past 2 years and its a much nicer experience than waiting in line for an eternity at the mall. They have a great set-up for kids with coloring and crafts, free photo with Santa and lots of fun things to see and play with. Santa was really awesome too.
My kids are terrified of Santa and strangers in general but he was great at breaking the ice and getting the kids interested in talking. It's just a dude in a red outfit but when you see how he talks to them and takes his time and he has such a twinkle in his eye, you feel the magic of St Nick.
I posted my Pendleton 49ers on Instagram yesterday as I was trying to decide which one to wear but of course, I went with the most festive option.
This 49er was an unbelievable find.
There was once a dream of a vintage shop here in St Louis called The Bale-Out where you could buy bags and bags of vintage for super cheap. See my adventures at The Bale Out in a previous post. Sadly, they closed last year and I didn't even get to go to the store closing sale. I was a heart broken. One day a few months ago, I was at a Salvation Army thrift store when I found this Pendleton jacket with tags from The Bale-Out for $12! I know, I told you they were cheap.
Well, the thrift store price was a buck. One whole crisp green dollar. This jacket had quite a bit of moth damage but hello- for a dollar?! Shoot, I would have happily paid $12. I brought it home, gave it some extra love with a needle and thread and its good as new! It still needs a matching button on one of the cuffs but I rolled the sleeves and you cant tell that it's missing one.
I also finally got a chance to take photos of my beautiful holiday hair clip from Belle Blossoms. Right now, she is having a sale on hair flowers. Save 20% off using code BLOSSOMS2013 and get a free gift with purchase of $50 or more now until November 23rd. I love this wintery clip so much, you'll probably see it a lot in the next few months!
I wore all of my chunky red and green bakelite to match my lovely Pendleton, including the 2 light green ones, which I scored a Goodwill recently for $2 each!
pendleton 49er jacket-thrifted
navy wool pencil skirt- thrifted
gaytees boots- ebay
holiday hair clip- Belle Blossoms
assorted bakelite
vintage hair
I haven't pin curled my hair in a while but I've wanted to try some different sets with my new hair cut so I experimented and this one turned out pretty good, I think!
I hope to do a proper how-to but if you're aching to try it here's the basics:
part bangs to the side and do 2 rows of 2 pin curls. The first row to the back, the back row to the front
sides 2 rows of 3 pin curls. row 1 back, row 2 forward
the rest all willy nilly
I wore one of my favorite winter pieces- a plaid flannel dress. Seamstresses, do yourself a big favor and sew a dress in flannel this winter! It feels like pajamas but looks put together and is so cozy. I think I may sew up some 50's style full-skirted dresses in plaid flannel by next fall.

dress- from Emily of Livin' Vintage
vintage Gaytees winter boots- ebay (shop in the summer for best deals!)
black and blue bakelite bracelets
confetti Lucite earrings- I have no idea where these things came from....
new lip color- Holiday Red from B AStar
Flannel Dress and a New Pin Curl Set
I haven't pin curled my hair in a while but I've wanted to try some different sets with my new hair cut so I experimented and this one turned out pretty good, I think!
I hope to do a proper how-to but if you're aching to try it here's the basics:
part bangs to the side and do 2 rows of 2 pin curls. The first row to the back, the back row to the front
sides 2 rows of 3 pin curls. row 1 back, row 2 forward
the rest all willy nilly
I wore one of my favorite winter pieces- a plaid flannel dress. Seamstresses, do yourself a big favor and sew a dress in flannel this winter! It feels like pajamas but looks put together and is so cozy. I think I may sew up some 50's style full-skirted dresses in plaid flannel by next fall.
dress- from Emily of Livin' Vintage
vintage Gaytees winter boots- ebay (shop in the summer for best deals!)
black and blue bakelite bracelets
confetti Lucite earrings- I have no idea where these things came from....
new lip color- Holiday Red from B AStar
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