Digging through boxes, old attics and flea markets, we've all found a captivating photo or letter written on crumbled paper. We wonder who that person was and what are the stories behind some of our most loved vintage treasures. Could it be that you are more connected to that person from the past than you thought?

Astor Place Vintage,  a beautiful novel by Stephanie Lehmann, begins with Amanda. She's a modern girl like many of us who owns a vintage clothing shop. On a normal meeting to buy new store inventory from an eldery lady, she comes upon a curious Victorian era diary hidden in a trunk of antique clothing.

The diary belonged to Olive, a woman ahead of her time who dreamed of breaking away from society's idea of how a woman should live. In the same city and a hundred years apart, the diary reveals that the two are more connected than they would have ever believed.

As spring arrives and old houses open up for estate sales, dig a little deeper into a box and maybe you'll find secrets from the past too.

Order your copy of Astor Place Vintage and read more about author, Stephanie Lehmann and her research on Astor Place Vintage on her website.

Astor Place Vintage is a sponsor of Va-Voom Vintage