vintage style mom clothes from Va-Voom Vintage

About once per week, I meet up with another stay at home mom who lives down the street and we walk to the park with the little ones. It's so awesome to finally have another mom friend who lives nearby. We sit and chat about embarrassing public melt-downs, potty training adventures and the like.

 I truly adore this lady and her hilarious, smart kids. We confide in each other that we bribe them with candy if they take a nap and although we do love taking them to the library, we totally let them veg out and watch too many cartoons sometimes.

So since we're doing lots of kid-related activities, I'm needing more "mom clothes". As much as I love some of my fab 40s dresses and such, I feel silly wearing them to the park while I climb the monkey bars and push the kids on the swing. I want to play and have fun and not worry about a rip or grass stain...or walking through a really deep puddle after a crazy storm. This was my mom clothes outfit for this week. All from Walmart, actually!

 I haven't worn shorts since I was in 5th grade but I love these denim bermuda shorts. I'm not secure enough to wear anything thigh-bearing but these are really cute, comfy and I stay cool. The little peasant top is going to be a summer staple for me for sure. They didn't have a lot of cute vintagey looking prints but you can't go wrong with polka dots, right?

vintage style mom clothes from Va-Voom Vintage

For park days, I do easy hair and minimal makeup, usually just some BB cream with sunblock, mascara, brows and slick on some tinted gloss. I've been loving the big hair lately so I teased 2nd day hair and pinned it up because it's been so hot in St Louis lately.