Everyone has little quirks. I have several. I can't drink out of a glass of water after I set it down, unless it has a lid. I love to sweep and mop and I can't do anything if my space is cluttered and disorganized. I am basically useless for at least a few days while I binge watch Netflix and figure out what I need to do. After that part of the cycle is over, I go on a mad cleaning spree and throw things away things I will probably need next week.

This happened on a large scale recently and I haven't been able to blog or do anything as a result. The house got a total organization and de-clutter overhaul and so did my blog. It took about 3 weeks to get everything how I wanted it but we're here now and I can finally sit down and do the things I love to do, including crafting, Etsy selling and blogging. My craft room is completely organized, my vintage magazines are on the shelves according to date and we're teaching the kids to tidy up bedroom and playroom before bed. I made myself a new cleaning schedule that works well with our new time spent working on Kindergarten prep and fun craft projects.

I hope that you like my new blog look and new navigation. My navigation was a major problem for a long time but I think I finally got it how I wanted it. There's a lovely drop down menu up there and most of the links will take you to a beautiful interactive gallery of posts so I hope you can all finally find what you're looking for and have an easier time exploring my old posts that were lost in the sea of messiness that I had going on for a while.

Also in the past few weeks, I was given a huge collection of vintage craft magazines. Like, they filled the trunk of our PT Cruiser! I have so many amazing vintage crafts, knitting and crochet patterns and fashions to share from them here so we can all look forward to that!

Apologies for the much needed and very long blog break but I feel like I can finally work more efficiently and have fun now that the hard work is done. Blogging will resume tomorrow!