I usually dread the holiday season but this year, something has changed and I am one of those irritating people who start acting like Christmas is next week, even though we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet. I shop the Christmas decor in October, put on the She and Him Christmas Pandora station and yesterday, we set up our tree.

I gave an old wreath a makeover with glass garland, vintage Shiney Brite ornaments and one of our vintage elves. I went crazy with the wire on the Shiney Brites so they don't fall off and crash to the ground when we open and close the door but this way, if we want them for the tree next year, they can be easily removed.

For our first Christmas as a married couple, we started a tradition of picking out a new snow globe every year. Some day, I hope to be an old lady who makes her kids and grand kids dust the snow globes and set them all together on a big wooden buffet in the dining room while I nag "Be careful! Those things have lasted a million years!"

christmas tree snow globe from target 2014

silver deer snow globe from Target 2008

glass garland and retro santa vintage christmas decorations

diy shiney brite retro christmas wreath with vintage elf on a shelf

diy shiney brite retro christmas wreath with vintage elf on a shelf