This month, we're adding some much-needed pops of color to your winter wear.

Foundation Item: Your Winter Coat

  I have several vintage coats for winter but this one is one of my favorites. Its a heavy wool 1960s coat with a beautiful collar. I fell in love with the colors when I spotted it at the thrift store and since coats were 50% off that day, I couldn't resist.

Cut a flat section of the chipboard box and use the end of your cup to trace out 4 circles

Cut 4 felt circles just a hair bigger than your chipboard circles

sandwich the 1 board circle between two felt circles chip board between the felt circles and stitch around the outside. You can do a quick whip stitch. Here I used a blanket stitch. If you don't sew, you could probably just hot glue the edges being careful to trim excess glue so it looks nice.

Pull your flowers apart as desired and hot glue the flowers in a beautiful arrangement to make a large boutonniere. The 1940s book recommends violets but you can use anything.

sew or glue the pin back to the back of the bouquet

add one pin to the lapel of your winter coat and the other to a muff or handbag.

pick up inexpensive knit gloves to match the flowers or if you have some vintage ones in your collection, pair them with your winter coat and hang on tight because spring will be here soon!

Stay tuned next month for our 40s Fashion Calendar February project!

basic dress- modern navy jersey
winter coat- vintage, thrifted
basic shoes- t straps from Amerimark
1940s handbag- middle of no where antique store
new boutonnieres
old gloves to match

Check out my ebook, Pins for Pin-Ups: DIY Brooches for Retro Girls for more novelty brooch tutorials using things that you already have around the house!