I love to pour over a big stack of vintage magazines, reading articles and admiring the fashions, sticking strips of paper in them to hold the spot so I can go back to it later. I especially love my craft magazine collection, passed down from my grandma. There's some great stuff in these pages but there's an equal amount of incredibly tacky, trashy, politically incorrect, hilarious stuff that makes me cackle "What the f--- were they thinking?"

I think it would be a crime to let these treasures crumble away to dust some day so I've decided to make it a mission to record every hideous moment of vintage craft history and share them all with you because I love all things ugly and wrong.  I hope that you all appreciate these wonderful projects as much as I do!

Anyway, I wanted to start the first WTF Vintage Crafts with a bang so here is an infamous ski mask design that you can knit for the whole family!

1960s vintage creepy knitted ski masks via Va-Voom Vintage

Yes, mom, dad and the little ones can enjoy these clown-like ski masks as you go out into the world and terrify everyone who crosses your path. For extra fun on a slushy winter day, pop by the bank and see how fast the cops can get there. Surprise your neighbors by shoveling the snow on their sidewalks in the middle of the night as you stay toasty warm and delightfully horrifying. Apparently yarn is the stuff that nightmares are made of.

1960s vintage creepy knitted ski masks via Va-Voom Vintage