Mondays are usually housework and organizing days for me but the weather was finally not completely freezing today so I decided to put off my chores til later and enjoy this day because it could snow again any time! The neighborhood has so many pretty buildings and this one had little green splashes of soft moss all over the cracks in ground.

Little splashes of green remind me that the days will start to get longer again soon as spring will be here before I know it. Maybe this winter I'll spend some time repainting my bicycle and getting new tires so I can ride when it warms up.
Today I wore a skirt that I made this past spring but I don't think it has appeared on the blog yet. Its just a simple gathered skirt with adorable retro style beauty shop fabric from Cotton and Steel from their beauty shop collection. They have the cutest fabrics. Every time I'm looking for a great novelty print, they're my first stop. I used the dental floss method to gather all of this yardage and since I tried it once, I'll never go without dental floss in my sewing basket again!

Its still a little chilly today so I wore capri pants under my skirt for a little warmth but the skirt is long enough that you can't tell! I may get some fleece lined leggings and trim them down to capri length for more under skirt coziness this winter.
This funny brooch was one I made from a jewelry finding that I spotted at the craft store years ago. I just glued a pin back on. The little hands move like a real sign!

After my walk I went home to find the mail lady filled my mail box with black friday ads and reminded me to get cracking on the housework. I'm hoping to organize the living room a little bit and get ready to decorate for Christmas this weekend. I can't believe its that time already! Although fall is my favorite season, I always get excited about setting up our aluminum Christmas tree. Its so colorful and fun and it really helps brighten the winter time. Have you started decorating for Christmas yet or are you waiting til December?
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Outfit: Beauty Shop Skirt
Mondays are usually housework and organizing days for me but the weather was finally not completely freezing today so I decided to put off my chores til later and enjoy this day because it could snow again any time! The neighborhood has so many pretty buildings and this one had little green splashes of soft moss all over the cracks in ground.
Little splashes of green remind me that the days will start to get longer again soon as spring will be here before I know it. Maybe this winter I'll spend some time repainting my bicycle and getting new tires so I can ride when it warms up.
Today I wore a skirt that I made this past spring but I don't think it has appeared on the blog yet. Its just a simple gathered skirt with adorable retro style beauty shop fabric from Cotton and Steel from their beauty shop collection. They have the cutest fabrics. Every time I'm looking for a great novelty print, they're my first stop. I used the dental floss method to gather all of this yardage and since I tried it once, I'll never go without dental floss in my sewing basket again!
Its still a little chilly today so I wore capri pants under my skirt for a little warmth but the skirt is long enough that you can't tell! I may get some fleece lined leggings and trim them down to capri length for more under skirt coziness this winter.
This funny brooch was one I made from a jewelry finding that I spotted at the craft store years ago. I just glued a pin back on. The little hands move like a real sign!
After my walk I went home to find the mail lady filled my mail box with black friday ads and reminded me to get cracking on the housework. I'm hoping to organize the living room a little bit and get ready to decorate for Christmas this weekend. I can't believe its that time already! Although fall is my favorite season, I always get excited about setting up our aluminum Christmas tree. Its so colorful and fun and it really helps brighten the winter time. Have you started decorating for Christmas yet or are you waiting til December?
cardigan- thrifted
brooch- made by me
skirt- made by me with fabric from Cotton and Steel
shoes- BAIT footwear
This post contains links to my affiliates. For more, see my full disclosure policy
A few nights ago, before bed chicken and dumplings popped into my head. I don't usually make them because Pj doesn't care for them but I decided I would wake up in the morning and make a batch for myself. My mom always made amazing chicken and dumplings. Hers were packed with vegetables and had biscuit type dumplings. I had a great grandma from Arkansas who made chicken and dumplings from the chickens in her back yard. They were southern style dumplings in a humble but flavorful broth. These were the kind I craved. I should have called my sister in law or mother in law for their recipe because theirs is the old fashioned simple classic that kept me up at night but instead I searched the internet for a similar recipe.

I did find several recipes with great reviews so I picked one and gave it a whirl. I also didn't use whole chicken, I used chicken breast and a really good organic store bought broth. It wasn't the same as a true from scratch soup but it was pretty darn good for my lunch that day.

The dumplings proved to be trickier, however. I tried one dumpling recipe, which turned out too soft and fell apart. Then I tried dumplings from Paula Deen. You'd think a butter obsessed Southerner like Paula would have a great dumpling recipe but hers were tough. Finally a third recipe from Pinterest yielded not perfect but pretty close results and I was hungry and tired of these shenanigans so I went with that one.
At my sister in laws house for dinner, the night after, she told me her dumpling recipe and promised a chicken and dumplings night where we can make it together and I can learn their amazing family recipe. I can't wait!

For my housework and soup making day I wore a new dress from GownTown on Amazon. I have been eyeing some of the inexpensive retro style dresses on Amazon for ages but I never bought any because I was afraid they wouldn't be like the photos. I went ahead and ordered two because I figure I can always return them if I didn't like them. Well I loved them! I was pleasantly surprised that the size chart is accurate and they weren't too short. The fabric in both dresses that I got have some stretch too so they're very comfortable. I'm definitely going to order several more GownTown dresses!
*This post contains links to my affiliates. See my full disclosure policy*
Outfit: What I wore in the kitchen
A few nights ago, before bed chicken and dumplings popped into my head. I don't usually make them because Pj doesn't care for them but I decided I would wake up in the morning and make a batch for myself. My mom always made amazing chicken and dumplings. Hers were packed with vegetables and had biscuit type dumplings. I had a great grandma from Arkansas who made chicken and dumplings from the chickens in her back yard. They were southern style dumplings in a humble but flavorful broth. These were the kind I craved. I should have called my sister in law or mother in law for their recipe because theirs is the old fashioned simple classic that kept me up at night but instead I searched the internet for a similar recipe.
I did find several recipes with great reviews so I picked one and gave it a whirl. I also didn't use whole chicken, I used chicken breast and a really good organic store bought broth. It wasn't the same as a true from scratch soup but it was pretty darn good for my lunch that day.
The dumplings proved to be trickier, however. I tried one dumpling recipe, which turned out too soft and fell apart. Then I tried dumplings from Paula Deen. You'd think a butter obsessed Southerner like Paula would have a great dumpling recipe but hers were tough. Finally a third recipe from Pinterest yielded not perfect but pretty close results and I was hungry and tired of these shenanigans so I went with that one.
At my sister in laws house for dinner, the night after, she told me her dumpling recipe and promised a chicken and dumplings night where we can make it together and I can learn their amazing family recipe. I can't wait!
For my housework and soup making day I wore a new dress from GownTown on Amazon. I have been eyeing some of the inexpensive retro style dresses on Amazon for ages but I never bought any because I was afraid they wouldn't be like the photos. I went ahead and ordered two because I figure I can always return them if I didn't like them. Well I loved them! I was pleasantly surprised that the size chart is accurate and they weren't too short. The fabric in both dresses that I got have some stretch too so they're very comfortable. I'm definitely going to order several more GownTown dresses!
Dress: GownTown Dress
via Amazon
Apron: Vintage, thrift store find
v for victory brooch: Vintage, flea market find
*This post contains links to my affiliates. See my full disclosure policy*

Last night before bed, Pj took the trash out and came inside with big chunky snow flakes clinging to his hair and jacket. We had the first snow of the year! Although I had just tucked the kids in for bed, everyone wrapped up and ran outside to catch a few snowflakes on their tongues and dance around. I love snow at night when everything is so quiet and the streetlights shine through the fall.
I woke up to a less picturesque scene where the snow had melted and turned to muddy leaves and it was just cold! I was going to go for a nice walk but the muddy trail didn't sound very nice so I decided to put the kettle on and spend the afternoon cozy and warm with my knitting needles instead.
Last month I started the Boardwalk Blouse knitting pattern from Poison Grrls. I found her patterns through a knitting group on Facebook. They had a knit along for this a little while back but I didn't participate because I'm a very slow knitter! This has been a really fun project so far.

Although its a simple blouse, there were some things that were new to me like using circular needles and knitting stripes. I've never knitted anything in two colors before but with the help of YouTube, I figured it out! I'm using Palette yarn from Knit Picks in black and tarragon. I really love the way its turning out. I can't wait to pair this blouse with a black pencil skirt or some comfy pants this winter.
Speaking of sweaters, I found this colorful vintage sweater at a thrift store in Illinois a few weeks ago. Pj had the day off work so he and I crossed the river to Illinois while the kids were at school. I was heartbroken to find that my favorite thrift store on the planet had closed permanently because the owners of the building refused to do repairs and the store couldn't find a new location nearby. I always found the best vintage there. But around the corner was a Goodwill so I stopped in and found this bright cheerful sweater, which is perfect for a rainy ol' day like today.
Cozy Knitting Day
Last night before bed, Pj took the trash out and came inside with big chunky snow flakes clinging to his hair and jacket. We had the first snow of the year! Although I had just tucked the kids in for bed, everyone wrapped up and ran outside to catch a few snowflakes on their tongues and dance around. I love snow at night when everything is so quiet and the streetlights shine through the fall.
I woke up to a less picturesque scene where the snow had melted and turned to muddy leaves and it was just cold! I was going to go for a nice walk but the muddy trail didn't sound very nice so I decided to put the kettle on and spend the afternoon cozy and warm with my knitting needles instead.
Last month I started the Boardwalk Blouse knitting pattern from Poison Grrls. I found her patterns through a knitting group on Facebook. They had a knit along for this a little while back but I didn't participate because I'm a very slow knitter! This has been a really fun project so far.

Although its a simple blouse, there were some things that were new to me like using circular needles and knitting stripes. I've never knitted anything in two colors before but with the help of YouTube, I figured it out! I'm using Palette yarn from Knit Picks in black and tarragon. I really love the way its turning out. I can't wait to pair this blouse with a black pencil skirt or some comfy pants this winter.
Speaking of sweaters, I found this colorful vintage sweater at a thrift store in Illinois a few weeks ago. Pj had the day off work so he and I crossed the river to Illinois while the kids were at school. I was heartbroken to find that my favorite thrift store on the planet had closed permanently because the owners of the building refused to do repairs and the store couldn't find a new location nearby. I always found the best vintage there. But around the corner was a Goodwill so I stopped in and found this bright cheerful sweater, which is perfect for a rainy ol' day like today.
While knitting, I've been watching The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix, which is absolutely fantastic and terrifying. I finished "The Bent Neck Lady" episode the other night and Pj was so freaked out, he had to put on The Great British Baking Show to help shake off the creepy vibes.
I have a sweet little hen, her name is Chickadee. She is the most spoiled chicken in town. She originally belonged to my neighbor but she hopped his fence every day to roam around the block and lay eggs in my yard. She often pecked at my door for treats and water and spent many summer afternoons cooling off under my cucumbers.
In July, she disappeared. The neighbor thought a dog got her or something but after about a week, we spotted her and returned her to her yard. The next day, he told us she was gone again and another week went by and we found her two doors down, very muddy, thin and laying on a pile of rotten eggs. She had been brooding and she made a nest in someone's front yard bushes.
With some scrap wood that we had and a sheet of pretty blue sheet metal that I found on clearance at the hardware store, we built her a pretty little coop with an attached run. The kids and I painted it and Pj insulated it for winter and built her a nesting box and roost inside.
Every day after the kids get on the bus, I go collect her pretty little egg and let her out into her separate big run for the day so she can scratch and peck and run around. Sometimes we sit on the front porch and she rolls around in a dusty corner of the garden on her back like a dog. She loves a dust bath so we put one in her run so she can fling dirt into her feathers to her heart's content.
She chatters through the fence at her sisters and I call "tuck tuck tuck!" when I flip over a brick and there are tasty crickets to snack on. She doesn't make a lot of noise except on occasion when she lays an egg, she calls loudly "I laid an egg! I'm amazing!" In the evenings, when the sun goes down, Olivia puts her back in her enclosed run for the night so she's safe from the big raccoons that come over from the riverside. She is amazing at helping me weed the yard and turn our compost.
I'm looking for some no-nonsense winter boots that I can slip on and trudge through the snow every morning to the coop and this weekend, we're finishing up winterizing her coop and run so she can have lots of things to keep her busy. I found some instructions for growing sprouts in mason jars, which is a good special treat for chickens in the winter and I think I'll like some sprouts on my breakfast avocado toast too.
Today I wore my favorite new headband that I knitted from this free 1960s knitting pattern. Its done with a popcorn stitch,. which was new to me but with the help of youtube, I figured it out! I love it so much, I picked up a mustardy color yarn to make another. Its very warm and can cover my ears this winter but I often wear it around the house when my hair is dirty and I just don't want to deal with it. I think I have a pale pink yarn that would be pretty for this headband too!

I have a chicken
I have a sweet little hen, her name is Chickadee. She is the most spoiled chicken in town. She originally belonged to my neighbor but she hopped his fence every day to roam around the block and lay eggs in my yard. She often pecked at my door for treats and water and spent many summer afternoons cooling off under my cucumbers.
We tried to return her to her yard again but her sisters pecked and chased and didn't let her eat or get in the coop since she had been gone for so long. The neighbor asked if we wanted to keep her and of course, I said yes. She got a bath in my kitchen sink, which was interesting for all of us and we immediately went to the farm store for food, a waterer and I began googling chicken coop plans.
With some scrap wood that we had and a sheet of pretty blue sheet metal that I found on clearance at the hardware store, we built her a pretty little coop with an attached run. The kids and I painted it and Pj insulated it for winter and built her a nesting box and roost inside.
She chatters through the fence at her sisters and I call "tuck tuck tuck!" when I flip over a brick and there are tasty crickets to snack on. She doesn't make a lot of noise except on occasion when she lays an egg, she calls loudly "I laid an egg! I'm amazing!" In the evenings, when the sun goes down, Olivia puts her back in her enclosed run for the night so she's safe from the big raccoons that come over from the riverside. She is amazing at helping me weed the yard and turn our compost.
Today I wore my favorite new headband that I knitted from this free 1960s knitting pattern. Its done with a popcorn stitch,. which was new to me but with the help of youtube, I figured it out! I love it so much, I picked up a mustardy color yarn to make another. Its very warm and can cover my ears this winter but I often wear it around the house when my hair is dirty and I just don't want to deal with it. I think I have a pale pink yarn that would be pretty for this headband too!
tee shirt- Target
belt- Unique Vintage
vintage cape- thrifted
headband- knitted by me, this pattern
Winter is creeping up faster than I thought it would this year. We had a very warm several weeks and then this cold snap happened and everything has gone from beautiful vibrant fall colors to this dreadful gray. One of the ways that I get through the dark, cold months is by curating an indoor jungle atmosphere throughout the year so even when the trees are bare, I can be cozy and warm inside, surrounded by beautiful green leaves.
Crazy Plant Lady
I stopped at Lowes sometime in September and I found several of these big palms on clearance for $3 each. I wanted to buy every single one but I have to remember to make room in my house for Pj and the kids so I brought home the biggest, healthiest looking one they had. I stuck it in a big planter in the living room with every intention of repotting it but I forgot all about it til last night! Thankfully the leaves still look nice but I'm sure the roots are getting pretty tight in the pot it came in. I took it out on the porch for a repotting this morning, after I finished my housework.
Today I'm wearing a beautiful new dress sent to me by Unique Vintage. This black and white gingham dress is in comfy cotton with an adorable black peter pan collar and my favorite 3/4 length sleeves. This dress comes in regular sizes but mine is from the plus size range. It has a true circle skirt and came with a matching black belt. I love dresses that come with belts because I often mix them with other pieces in my closet. Gingham is a favorite print of mine and I think this dress will be a regular rotation year round with sandals in the summer and tights when it gets a little colder later this month.
Im also wearing my darling bunny brooch from brand new company, Teacup Girl by fellow vintage blogger, Bonita of Lavender and Twill. This is the Run, Rabbit Run brooch, made in layers of sparkly acrylic and hand painted gold details. We've had a lot of bunnies in the back yard, scrambling around looking for cover in the cold rain lately and this little guy makes me think of them. He arrived all the way from Thailand in the prettiest purple box.
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